At Speed Law Office, we are proud to say that other attorneys and firms in the area refer personal injury cases to our office. Many attorneys and law firms simply do not handle personal injury matters, but often receive inquiries from potential clients harmed by a negligent person(s). Speed Law Office is open to stepping into a personal injury case at all stages of the process to help reach the best possible resolution to a case.
For the attorney or law firm, referring a personal injury case outside their area of practice allows them to focus their time and energy on their core practice area(s).
Each referred case presents its own challenges and circumstances. Along those lines, rather than proposing a fixed referral fee, Speed Law Office is open to negotiating an equitable arrangement with referring attorneys on a case by case basis. We will always honor referral fees and we will always put the agreement in writing after obtaining a client’s informed consent. If you are an attorney interested in referring a personal injury matter to Speed Law Office, then please call us directly at (918) 924-5291 or send an email to us via our online contact form.